Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Economic Slavery:

Fall into job. Strive for big house, more money, health care, caring for children and so on. Sleep a third (33%) of life. Work over a third of life. Spend about 15% resting idle to prepare for more work. Spend last 15% doing whatever might feed Self and soul, if known how and other areas of life don’t suck away that time.

Why is there such a strong push to work so much? When is enough, enough? There was a time when we could choose to work half time and live more simply. No more. The choice to work part time no longer exists because costs have gone higher than incomes.

It’s like playing the game monopoly. It’s fun to get houses and hotels on your property and watch people struggle to pay; it brings a sense of winning; of power. Then winning happens and the game is over because those who can’t pay are forced into bankruptcy and can no longer play. Monopoly shows capitalism at it’s best, but in a short period of time so viewing results is easy. It’s a pyramid scheme and it does not work long term to sustain all players. It does provide plenty of competition, but at what cost?

From a book called World Changing, edited by Alex Steffen, this is stated, “If we were selling our time-and perhaps our souls- to a system that truly fed us, that would be one thing. But the economy is not designed for people; rather, people are trained to serve the economy.”

Economic slavery defined: The forced position to work at any job, regardless of fulfillment, in order to survive because societal systems are such that there is no alternative.

A strong need to think outside known reality is at hand. In order to change the system to one that works for everyone’s personal fulfillment; to one that serves all, a radical new idea is needed. RADICAL IDEA!! Someone out there has an idea. Many someone’s have ideas that could all work. Maybe it’s you. Maybe you feel like there is no point since the system is so big and those in control have too much power? There is a point. Bring it. I am willing to put in my 15% to help. Will you?

If money didn’t exist, what would you do to show up in the world? How would you want to leave the world better? Will your soul settle for anything less? It’s time.
Game over.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Health and Mercury

This blog will not be as poetic as my usual blog style because this is a serious topic that needs to be clear. About three years ago I became very ill with food intolerances. I’ve had this intolerance come on gradually over many years. The issue became progressively worse until I was in bed for four months with severe anemia, hypoglycemia, and much more of which I will spare you the details.

With great effort, I realized that I was gluten intolerant. So I began to heal my body by avoiding gluten. Then I developed allergies to eggs, dairy, corn, night shades and on it goes. My condition has continued to get worse. Interestingly enough, I began getting clients with the same condition. In fact, every third or fourth person I looked at (medical intuition) had the same problem. Inflammation of the intestines, interstitial cystitis of the bladder, joint pain, hypoglycemia, fatigue, low iron, weight gain, enlarged right lobe of the thyroid, susceptibility to illness and more. Many of these people were diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

I couldn’t figure out why so many people had this incredibly common ailment that continued to get worse, even with diet changes, and no doctors seemed to understand that all these symptoms were the same disease and not fibromyalgia. Interstitial cystitis is a huge red flag for whatever this is.

Then I began working with Dr. Moira Fitzpatrick, a naturopathic physician, doing readings for her difficult cases. I came across more of the same and she identified their ailment as Hashimoto’s Disease, an autoimmune disease. Great! Now I have a name for this very popular problem. Now I want to know what is causing it. Why is it so prevalent? I couldn’t see any body processes that were creating the problem.

Then I saw a film called The Beautiful Truth, about The Gerson Therapy and our food supply. A man in that film said this one statement, one time and it struck me like lightening, “Mercury fillings cause autoimmune diseases”. They showed how mercury emits gaseous vapor when scraped at all. So every time we chew or get our teeth cleaned, we are exposed to mercury poisoning. Ah ha! That would explain why the problem gets worse when all the corrective measures are taken. So I set about my task and asked everyone I know who has Hashimoto’s if they have mercury fillings. They do and so do I. I checked with my guides several times to make sure. The answer I get is yes, mercury causes autoimmune diseases. Here is a link to some information about mercury poisoning.

Hashimoto’s Disease can be confirmed by thyroid tests. The immune system is so busy dealing with the constant exposure to mercury that it begins to fail causing autoimmune issues. Your system begins to attack itself beginning with the thyroid. The thyroid doesn’t produce hormones correctly which in turn tell the pancreas to stop producing pepsin and then the stomach stops producing acid and enzymes for digestion, which in turn causes inflammation of the intestines because the food can’t be digested. The inflamed intestines cause lack of nutrient absorption so then hypoglycemia and interstitial cystitis occur, as well as weight gain because you are constantly hungry from being mal-nourished. Eventually, the gallbladder begins to act up too and it goes on from there.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


When door opens to dark room, light bleeds into room; darkness does not bleed into lighted hallway. Light cannot be dowsed unless light-holder wishes it dowsed. The first Adam came unto a very dark world to act as candle; a flicker of hope to save souls who were trapped in their own dark creations.

When Adam returned as Yeshua, he did not say I am your teacher, he said, “I am the light and the way. Follow me and you will be saved”. He was not here to teach, but to remind of beauty, to show that all have light.

To teach, one must see others as less than because to place self as teacher, one must judge other as in need of learning; in need of being better than. Teacher/student relationships require a power structure. Power structures make for separation (darkness) rather than connection. Yeshua wished for equality. He said, “You will do works as great as I and greater works than I”. He wanted all to hold light and by doing so, do great works. Self is not here to teach. Self is here to support and empower beauty. Learning, however, may be involved.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Endless self-reflecting challenge appears as small packages of humans. Little things clinging to pant legs uttering phrase ‘I want’ all day long. Parent constantly questioning reactions, feelings, words, decisions… bring ongoing self-doubt as daily ritual. What little thing needs? What little thing wants? What about little thing??

Social pressure to be perfect parent, remain calm, never yell because that’s abusive, don’t spank, redirect, don’t say no, but say no. Bring self fully, authentically to the game, but not like that. Praise them, praise them little things.

No I say. Yell I will when patience pushed. Praise I will too. Good for little things to know when line crossed. Good for little thing to feel safe that parent is in control. Question self? Yes. Always. Parents cannot perfect be and little things scarred will be because they choose how to see it. Parent cannot prevent little thing from seeing scars or placing blame. They just will.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life and Death:

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…” Called life, but realistically is death; the forgetting of True Self upon incarnation. Part of soul lost to consciousness, lost to knowing and understanding leaves feeling of aloneness.

How to thrive in death (earth walk)? Find grace and peace within relating to higher self; to squelch hellish fear, worry and judgment. Find meaning within life (death) and return to eternal life with new knowledge and understanding of life forgotten in earth walk. Why come here to tread land?

Whole Self cannot be known while whole. Must break down parts to experience Self in pieces; dark pieces, light pieces, grey pieces… Walk in physical boots to know all of Self through the ages, time and time again. Time brings change in experience, brings change in surroundings, brings new stars, new magnetic radiations, new parts of Self exposed. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil…”