Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Medicine

I’d like to give you some good information about the future of medicine. This month’s blog comes from a KRYON channel by Lee Carroll. This is from the Sedona Journal of Emergence, December, 2011. Vol. 21, Number 12.

Incredible Breakthroughs in Medicine

Medicine will move away from allopathic methodology and a new term will be developed that is not known yet. The methodology will be to work with the information in the DNA to change the way the body creates cellular divisions. Everything from disease to aging will be affected. Much as polio, small pox, and even the plagues of the past were eliminated, now cancer will be a thing of the past, and even heart disease will be controllable through bodily self-monitoring of free radicals and other environmentally related attributes.

Perhaps you’ve heard about the multidimensional layers of DNA that Kryon has been channeling about for several years now? If not, Kryon book twelve tells all about it in all of its parts and workings. I highly recommend it. There are also some good writings on how to use your consciousness to begin healing your body through DNA reconstruction. One book is called, The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton and another is called, The Genie in Your Genes by Dawson Church. Both explain the process of Epigenetics, the so far new name of this methodology, as I understand it. Kryon tells it like this,

The new technology will address the information in the DNA that can then change the way the body works. Think of the information as a cookbook and the body as the actual meal. The recipe for biological health is about to be discovered. Let the body do the work, just change the information in the instruction set. Super cells will evolve, creating immune systems that will work with almost every disease. Bodies will balance themselves and attributes of chemical imbalance, such as diabetes, will be eliminated.

I look forward to the day when illness is no longer an issue and we grow as people. We understand so little at this point that many often feel helpless and powerless to make life better. The idea of tapping into inconceivable knowledge is exciting and hopeful. Perhaps then, we can spend our time and energy focusing on how to mature as a species, how to develop Self beyond our current standards and how to live with the earth and her nature rather than working to over-power her nature. That will be a good day.