Friday, September 7, 2012
Clean Your Energy by guest blogger Patsy Stanley
There is great upheaval going on in the many planes of existence on our planet at this time. The Earth’s vibrations and that of everything else on it is being shifted, or moved up, or changed somehow. This is a very nerve wracking and exciting time for us.
For the first time, we are in touch with a kind of freedom we have never known before, and it is showing us the pathway to the truly heroic nature of the Self. However, we have to learn to stay grounded in order to get there. Can’t do it without the grounding. Life has changed here, and we have to learn to use our energy in new ways. The old ways aren’t working.
So here is a simple and quick new grounding technique that works:
Visualize yourself standing. Quickly dive into the earth as if into water, and go down and down until you reach the beautiful, red brick colored clay earth. (Like modeling clay.) Touch it and then come back up through the earth as you would swim up through water. Then stand on the earth and feel the personal cleanliness and the grounding you are experiencing.
The Earth has taken all those little entities, thought forms, and negative junk from you that had attached to you indiscriminately, as you dove. The Earth has kept them and will process them as it sees fit. You can do this whenever you feel ungrounded. (You’ll have to define ungrounded for yourself).
At this time on Earth a lot of toxic fears are coming down into the physical realms to be dealt with by law. We have a whole field around the Earth that is toxic and fearful from the Earth’s (and everything on it) releasing. We are used to having to deal with our personal toxicity only, but now, we have to process a part of the collective energies that are being emitted by all, whether we like it or not. We don’t have a choice. We made that agreement before we showed up here. That’s one of the things we came to learn to do, to learn a higher way of thinking. You don’t just get to learn all that from the “Light teachings”, you have to get down with life and experience it! So we have to learn to stay grounded to be effective during this time on Earth. We’re here to help.
To cleanse the emotions, picture a five-feet tall, maybe three-feet wide small cave with a rock ledge over the top of it. This flat slab of three inch thick rock has water trickling over it and pouring down in front of the cave, creating a small place to stand under it in it’s mist. The rock can change to a crystal if you need to cleanse the mental body, or to turquoise for astral protection. You can change the sound of the water, its speed, or the rock, and you may close the cave if you wish. You’ll know what to do for you. You can do this visualization any time, but it is most powerful at dusk or dawn.
Dead or alive, we are constantly having a relationship to the planet, to the universe, to the earth, to the galaxy, to the moon, to the sun, to all other planets, and to all others because energy never dies, it simply changes its forms time after time.
A fun energy cleansing technique:
Here is a fun cleansing technique for unloading stuff that isn’t yours or that is negative junk weighing you down that you don’t want any more and want to get rid of. (This one is particularly good for removing the stress of hauling unwanted negative loads of energy around):
See and hear a big garbage truck coming from off in the distance. It is coming down out of a low, cloudy bank and maybe down a hill. You realize that it can haul off all your unwanted stuff that you don’t need to hang on to any more, junk that you have been hanging on to without realizing it. All the negative junk you throw into the back of the truck will be taken away. So get those big black garbage bags and get busy filling them up! You haven’t got long. When the garbage truck gets there, haul the garbage bags to it and toss them into the back of it. The garbage truck stays briefly, and then moves off into the distance and out of sight. It is taking the negative energy to be cleaned up and recycled so it can be given out again. If you are doing this exercise as a group, you will probably see the other people laughing and throwing their garbage bags in the back of the truck. The truck will come around again for pickup, but it does not come at your beck and call. You might see other people unloading their black trash bags into it that you don’t know. Pretty soon, if you pay attention, you will become aware of the truck’s schedule and take advantage of it.
Friday, August 3, 2012
This image of an elephant sitting upright under a waterfall reminds me of being a kid. This guy, and I have no idea if it’s male or female, seems to be having a glorious moment. I can see him experiencing a joy that surpasses any sense of time or worry. He reminds me of a Zen term call innocence. It is being fully present in the moment, allowing no thoughts of the past or future that cause worry or stress. He is in a moment of pure joy for physical life because the water feels so good and so precious. Our friend here seems to be trumpeting with glee singing his song to the world with the biggest smile on his lips fully present and immersed in his experience. Because he is so present, I imagine him to be feeling almost every drop that touches his thick skin with such intensity that he may sense the subtle temperature difference in each droplet.
That is my imagination of his experience. I will never know for sure what he is feeling in this beautiful moment, but I know for sure that what I imagine is what I long for; to feel completely free of mental and emotional burdens for just a few moments; to touch nature and spirit all at once for a few moments; to breathe in light in just such a way as to capture this moment into my memory and hold it. This is heaven. Timeless joy, intuitive connection to everything and a sense of freedom not felt since my teens when I’d skip school and drive to another town just to feel the sun on my body, or go swimming in the lake and stay out all night to stare at the stars. It’s all right there with the elephant and right here if I allow the emptiness to fill my mind more than the busy-ness. Just for a moment.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Take a Stand
My blog is late this month because I didn’t know what to write about. I didn’t know what I had to say, and then I wondered how that happened. When did that happen? I figured it out. It happened when I returned to psychology school. When I attended a program about a decade ago to acquire my Bachelor’s in Applied Behavioral Science, I went through an esteem crushing experience. I came out of that program feeling like humpty dumpty at the bottom of the wall. I was taught how to shred myself, how to question everything about myself, my attitudes, my opinions, my intuition, my assumptions, my reactions and every feeling I had. When the program was over, no one told me how to put all the shredded pieces back together again. The effort of digging at my psyche was a good and valuable process, but I think they forgot something; all the tiny pieces cut up by doubt brought on through constant questioning lay there in disheveled shards with no glue in sight.
Now I am again in psychology school, again being told to evaluate, question, and discern feelings. If I’m angry it must be because I have a complex. It couldn’t be because someone else is controlling and manipulating me into allowing them to do the wrong thing. Take this opportunity to look at your complex and discern why you feel this way, they say. This time, I know better. The complex and the problem are not mine. Sometimes they are, but sometimes they aren’t. It’s easy to forget that others may actually be the problem. It’s easy to forget that sometimes we are right and sometimes the right thing to do is stand on solid ground and say NO! I’ve decided, I like me the way I am and I will not shred myself again for any program or for the sake of following the herd.
There seems to be a need within me, and others, when attending psych school, to put on this persona that says, “I’m cool. I have no issues worth looking at so let’s all just move along. I don’t want to be on the hot seat so I’m just going to agree with the authority figures and keep my head down.” It is this attitude that has caused the whole of America to be in its current state. We have sat down and shut up long enough to allow Corporations to become people, to allow our food supply to be contaminated and unhealthy, to allow our healthcare system to make us sicker rather than better, and the list goes on. I don’t want to be that person. Not again. Questioning is a fine and good thing, but at some point, you have to be enough to accomplish what you want to accomplish. My dark parts are just as valuable to my personhood as my light parts. I need both to be in this world and I will keep the ones that help me take a stand for what I think is right, thank you very much. Onward!
Friday, June 1, 2012
It's About Time
An archetype is a universally present idea or pattern of thought. This means that if all people experience it, it’s an archetype. Time qualifies as an archetype because everyone perceives it. The topic has lead me to places I did not expect to go. That’s a good sign that an idea is birthing. Another good sign is that the topic chose me much more than I chose it.
The ancient Greeks saw Chronos as Father Time that gave life to all other archetypes. According to that philosophy, all things of this world exist because time exists. Each person perceives time differently. Time flies when you’re having fun, but it drags mercilessly when you’re doing something you don’t like. Athletes talk about being in the zone when they are focused on the game. Time seems to slow way down giving them ample opportunity to decide their next move. This is Kairos time, Mother Time. Kairos is another Greek word that means opportunity. Chronos time is the masculine, mechanized clock time that measures the hours, minutes and seconds of each day as the earth rotates and moves around the sun. Kairos time is perception and quality. The fact that time is perceived based on the perceiver suggests that Kairos time is directly related to consciousness and consciousness directly related to time. The Greeks saw time as the originator of all perceptions (archetypes).
The ancient Mayans also saw Kairos time as valuable to consciousness and it’s relationship to astrological alignments. The Mayan calendar measures levels of conscious functioning based on astrological alignments. That calendar has been resurrected by Jose Arguelles, who unfortunately for the world, passed over last year. But he left behind a body of work that is significant to human evolution and the awakening of consciousness. He created the 13 moon Mayan calendar that shows upon what to focus your consciousness each day so that you are in alignment with the universe and human evolution. You can find his work at
I also recall reading in a Kryon book, I don’t know which one, that as the collective human’s vibrational rate increases, time slows down or stops. We know that astrological alignments affect our psyche in both definite ways that we can see, like Chronos, but also in ways we cannot see, like Kairos. The Mayan calendar indicates that astrological alignments are such that human consciousness is increasing and if we choose to focus our perceptions correctly, like athletes, we can individuate, a Jungian idea, increasing our vibrational rate slowing time. If time is the bearer of all perceptions, what happens when it slows down?
Yeshua (Jesus) said that we all are as he is. Every human being has the capacity to see God, to see through the veil. What if time is the veil between spirit and body? What if Kairos time is slowing down, thinning the veil that shadows the human psyche? Chronos time may remain the same, but Kairos is the mother of all archetypes and she will birth the new prophesied Christ consciousness to life.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Maiden, Mother, Crone
Mother’s Day is approaching. Why do we feel so strongly about honoring mother? Mother is an archetype from the source field that presents itself through humans. It is personified as Mother, mom, mama, and mommy. It’s sister archetypes maiden and crone, are personified through the virgin child and Grandmother respectively.
Archetypes are of two varieties, personified, meaning they can be seen as personalities in people, and transformational, meaning they are part of processes. Mother, maiden and crone are both. Personified mother is mom, the one who nurtures (Generally of course. I know that not everyone has a nurturing mother), loves and heals us. Transformational mother is the universal source field giving birth to a new level of consciousness after a journey into the underworld. That journey into the underworld, and by that I mean an unsettling period of emotional strife that forces you to grow and change, is a gestation period after which a new piece of the universal source field becomes part of one’s psyche, births a higher consciousness and spiritual maturation. This is the great mother process of nurturance that doesn’t feel like nurturance. It is this transformational nurturance that takes one from maiden to crone.
Mother is so much more than a woman who tends to your needs and wishes. Mother is a divine force that guides, protects and gives true life in ways the ego cannot usually understand or comprehend. The great mother takes each of us from maiden child to mother to crone through a series of life events that can be boiled down to micro hero’s journey within a macro hero’s journey that is one incarnation in length. Mother asks us to go into our depths, to the unconscious shadows and mine for nuggets of gold beyond our highest valued objects to create new life and give birth to a new self that integrates the conscious and the unconscious.
Carl Jung (1959) wrote, “the more numerous and the more significant the unconscious contents which are assimilated to the ego, the closer the approximation of the ego to the Self” (p. 23). In other words, the more you delve into your own depths and make known the unknown parts of you, the closer your ego becomes to the reality of spirit. Balancing and merging the light and the dark, the conscious and the unconscious, is the role of the great mother.
A therapist is the mother archetype, personified too in that he or she nurtures you along the journey of merging your personal light and dark selves into one cohesive Christ. The patriarchal culture is starving for the feminine to bring balance and we see it as a rise in seeking depth through various therapy modalities.
Jung, C. G. (1959). Aion: Research into the phenomenology of the self. New York, NY: Princeton University Press
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Modern Views
The historical perspective of modern Western culture is to see the world as a resource for taking what we want rather than a life force that needs our care. This rational, mechanized view began with the onset of Newtonian science that suggested everything has a physical cause and we only need find the cause to fix it and gain control of it. If only we know enough about the physical world, we can overcome all suffering. We can overcome the power of the Gods Zeus et al.
So began the industrial revolution as mechanization was further developed along with an attitude that rational logic was the only pathway to human thriving. Along with this masculine energized perspective came a loss of the feminine ideas of earth as mother, nature as guide and depth as God. Instead the perspective of a monotheistic sky God (masculine as up, out and individual) took over while indigenous cultures held to the feminine perspective of earth, nature and depth (down, in and collective) was shunned as irrational and savage. The patriarchy took over and it shows in many ways. The IQ test measures rational logic while leaving out the feminine measures of intuitive, emotional and compassionate intelligence. All sciences must be researched and conducted through objectified, rational thought while intuitive inquiry is cast aside as crazy. There are many more examples I can cite, but you get the idea.
The universal energy matrix, a.k.a. source field, quantum field or God, is alive and well waiting for us to acknowledge his-her existence. It is a force of balance ever seeking equilibrium. The cultural pendulum has swung to the extreme of patriarchy through masculine polarity and now seeks to find the middle by reintroducing some matriarchal, or feminine, philosophies. The objectified world of religion, a masculine perspective, is being replaced by secular and agnostic spirituality, a middle of the male-female polarity perspective. The financial system is changing. Into what remains to be seen, but it will likely be more feminine, which means it will allow for collective unification rather than the masculine trait of hierarchical structure that is currently in place. I look forward to balance and to what new philosophies and ideologies are born from it.
So began the industrial revolution as mechanization was further developed along with an attitude that rational logic was the only pathway to human thriving. Along with this masculine energized perspective came a loss of the feminine ideas of earth as mother, nature as guide and depth as God. Instead the perspective of a monotheistic sky God (masculine as up, out and individual) took over while indigenous cultures held to the feminine perspective of earth, nature and depth (down, in and collective) was shunned as irrational and savage. The patriarchy took over and it shows in many ways. The IQ test measures rational logic while leaving out the feminine measures of intuitive, emotional and compassionate intelligence. All sciences must be researched and conducted through objectified, rational thought while intuitive inquiry is cast aside as crazy. There are many more examples I can cite, but you get the idea.
The universal energy matrix, a.k.a. source field, quantum field or God, is alive and well waiting for us to acknowledge his-her existence. It is a force of balance ever seeking equilibrium. The cultural pendulum has swung to the extreme of patriarchy through masculine polarity and now seeks to find the middle by reintroducing some matriarchal, or feminine, philosophies. The objectified world of religion, a masculine perspective, is being replaced by secular and agnostic spirituality, a middle of the male-female polarity perspective. The financial system is changing. Into what remains to be seen, but it will likely be more feminine, which means it will allow for collective unification rather than the masculine trait of hierarchical structure that is currently in place. I look forward to balance and to what new philosophies and ideologies are born from it.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
New Medicine
I’d like to give you some good information about the future of medicine. This month’s blog comes from a KRYON channel by Lee Carroll. This is from the Sedona Journal of Emergence, December, 2011. Vol. 21, Number 12.
Incredible Breakthroughs in Medicine
Perhaps you’ve heard about the multidimensional layers of DNA that Kryon has been channeling about for several years now? If not, Kryon book twelve tells all about it in all of its parts and workings. I highly recommend it. There are also some good writings on how to use your consciousness to begin healing your body through DNA reconstruction. One book is called, The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton and another is called, The Genie in Your Genes by Dawson Church. Both explain the process of Epigenetics, the so far new name of this methodology, as I understand it. Kryon tells it like this,
I look forward to the day when illness is no longer an issue and we grow as people. We understand so little at this point that many often feel helpless and powerless to make life better. The idea of tapping into inconceivable knowledge is exciting and hopeful. Perhaps then, we can spend our time and energy focusing on how to mature as a species, how to develop Self beyond our current standards and how to live with the earth and her nature rather than working to over-power her nature. That will be a good day.
Incredible Breakthroughs in Medicine
Medicine will move away from allopathic methodology and a new term will be developed that is not known yet. The methodology will be to work with the information in the DNA to change the way the body creates cellular divisions. Everything from disease to aging will be affected. Much as polio, small pox, and even the plagues of the past were eliminated, now cancer will be a thing of the past, and even heart disease will be controllable through bodily self-monitoring of free radicals and other environmentally related attributes.
Perhaps you’ve heard about the multidimensional layers of DNA that Kryon has been channeling about for several years now? If not, Kryon book twelve tells all about it in all of its parts and workings. I highly recommend it. There are also some good writings on how to use your consciousness to begin healing your body through DNA reconstruction. One book is called, The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton and another is called, The Genie in Your Genes by Dawson Church. Both explain the process of Epigenetics, the so far new name of this methodology, as I understand it. Kryon tells it like this,
The new technology will address the information in the DNA that can then change the way the body works. Think of the information as a cookbook and the body as the actual meal. The recipe for biological health is about to be discovered. Let the body do the work, just change the information in the instruction set. Super cells will evolve, creating immune systems that will work with almost every disease. Bodies will balance themselves and attributes of chemical imbalance, such as diabetes, will be eliminated.
I look forward to the day when illness is no longer an issue and we grow as people. We understand so little at this point that many often feel helpless and powerless to make life better. The idea of tapping into inconceivable knowledge is exciting and hopeful. Perhaps then, we can spend our time and energy focusing on how to mature as a species, how to develop Self beyond our current standards and how to live with the earth and her nature rather than working to over-power her nature. That will be a good day.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
New Beginnings
Hello all,
As some of you know, I have begun a program of study to acquire a Ph.D. in depth psychology. The demands on my time have been much increased and as such, I am changing this blog to a monthly article style rather than a weekly snippet of prose. I've had to take some time off from the blog to adjust to my new schedule. That now accomplished, I will be posting here by the first week of each month. I thank you so much for your patience.
I'd like to explain a bit about what I'm up to. I'm pursuing an advanced degree in depth psychology because I want to do research and teach about finding God/Spirit within and working with spiritual energy. I wish to help all of us increase our levels of consciousness in such a way that we can work with the universe rather than feel victim to its will. That doesn't mean overpowering it, but rather understanding its processes. After so many years of intuitively reading people's energy systems, health issues, feeling personalities, thought patterns and emotional processes, I've come to understand a great deal about how humans function within the spiritual matrix. Now I want to prove, or disprove, those processes through research so I can, with more certainty, help all of us work with them in such a way that produces a happier humanity. I know this is possible because I've done it for myself. I know that core patterns of reaction that are karmic can be overcome. The patterns that most people don’t know are patterns, the ones that cause a familiar pain over and over again, the ones that drive so many to suicide, divorce or even violence and of course, life long misery. My greatest wish is for everyone to know how to overcome these patterns.
The videos currently on my website are a beginning to understanding these spiritual processes. They are the foundations of energy basics and I hope to create more that advance in understanding as I go. Time is tight right now, but I am hopeful that I can still manage it at a slower pace. I thank you for your continued interest in this work and beginning next month, this blog will speak about subjects of depth, consciousness and spirit on a monthly basis and in more detail.
I apologize for missing January. I needed to makes some decisions about how, or if, to proceed. As I learn more in my studies, you will see the influence here. Thank you again.
As some of you know, I have begun a program of study to acquire a Ph.D. in depth psychology. The demands on my time have been much increased and as such, I am changing this blog to a monthly article style rather than a weekly snippet of prose. I've had to take some time off from the blog to adjust to my new schedule. That now accomplished, I will be posting here by the first week of each month. I thank you so much for your patience.
I'd like to explain a bit about what I'm up to. I'm pursuing an advanced degree in depth psychology because I want to do research and teach about finding God/Spirit within and working with spiritual energy. I wish to help all of us increase our levels of consciousness in such a way that we can work with the universe rather than feel victim to its will. That doesn't mean overpowering it, but rather understanding its processes. After so many years of intuitively reading people's energy systems, health issues, feeling personalities, thought patterns and emotional processes, I've come to understand a great deal about how humans function within the spiritual matrix. Now I want to prove, or disprove, those processes through research so I can, with more certainty, help all of us work with them in such a way that produces a happier humanity. I know this is possible because I've done it for myself. I know that core patterns of reaction that are karmic can be overcome. The patterns that most people don’t know are patterns, the ones that cause a familiar pain over and over again, the ones that drive so many to suicide, divorce or even violence and of course, life long misery. My greatest wish is for everyone to know how to overcome these patterns.
The videos currently on my website are a beginning to understanding these spiritual processes. They are the foundations of energy basics and I hope to create more that advance in understanding as I go. Time is tight right now, but I am hopeful that I can still manage it at a slower pace. I thank you for your continued interest in this work and beginning next month, this blog will speak about subjects of depth, consciousness and spirit on a monthly basis and in more detail.
I apologize for missing January. I needed to makes some decisions about how, or if, to proceed. As I learn more in my studies, you will see the influence here. Thank you again.
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