Sunday, April 1, 2012

Modern Views

The historical perspective of modern Western culture is to see the world as a resource for taking what we want rather than a life force that needs our care. This rational, mechanized view began with the onset of Newtonian science that suggested everything has a physical cause and we only need find the cause to fix it and gain control of it. If only we know enough about the physical world, we can overcome all suffering. We can overcome the power of the Gods Zeus et al.
So began the industrial revolution as mechanization was further developed along with an attitude that rational logic was the only pathway to human thriving. Along with this masculine energized perspective came a loss of the feminine ideas of earth as mother, nature as guide and depth as God. Instead the perspective of a monotheistic sky God (masculine as up, out and individual) took over while indigenous cultures held to the feminine perspective of earth, nature and depth (down, in and collective) was shunned as irrational and savage. The patriarchy took over and it shows in many ways. The IQ test measures rational logic while leaving out the feminine measures of intuitive, emotional and compassionate intelligence. All sciences must be researched and conducted through objectified, rational thought while intuitive inquiry is cast aside as crazy. There are many more examples I can cite, but you get the idea.

The universal energy matrix, a.k.a. source field, quantum field or God, is alive and well waiting for us to acknowledge his-her existence. It is a force of balance ever seeking equilibrium. The cultural pendulum has swung to the extreme of patriarchy through masculine polarity and now seeks to find the middle by reintroducing some matriarchal, or feminine, philosophies. The objectified world of religion, a masculine perspective, is being replaced by secular and agnostic spirituality, a middle of the male-female polarity perspective. The financial system is changing. Into what remains to be seen, but it will likely be more feminine, which means it will allow for collective unification rather than the masculine trait of hierarchical structure that is currently in place. I look forward to balance and to what new philosophies and ideologies are born from it.


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