Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Diversions: Reposted

Notice longing to do anything else when faced with opportunity to do what is loved. What is loved is heart singing and soul fulfilling of passion. Passion is personal power rising from the depths of unconsciousness to be lighted from the highest high. What fear lies in fulfilling passion? Accessing personal power terrifies like riding in a plane falling to ground uncontrolled. So unworthy to accomplish Spirit’s will that sought instead is another task. Any task will do.

Trust Spirit? Yes. Trust self? No. How to accept personal power to accomplish Spirit’s will / self-passion? Detach from outcome. Detach from idea of self in charge of path. Detach from all decision making. Trust Spirit to know all means and ways. Trust self not to know how, when, why or what, but to stay out of the way and listen. Listen and follow heart. Spirit will do the rest.

Working at passion brings resistant to accomplishment because passion means stepping into full power and authority. Be willing to accept self as messenger of your path.

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