Thursday, October 27, 2011

How to glow.

There are a few people who hold light in their heart most of the time. It is a natural state for them and they wonder what is wrong with the rest of us who hold pessimism and worry. They seem to see things through God’s eyes. They have a practice of finding the positive side of all things, but more than that, they hold gratitude for all things, good and bad. Gratitude for life’s blessing and challenges brings awareness of Spirit in action in every moment. Being present in every moment allows us to appreciate the gifts held within each moment and there are plenty if we look closely enough. Holding light is more than daily spiritual practice like meditation or yoga. It’s holding gratitude at all times, a cosmic perspective and a remembrance of who you are. Those who hold their light find it easy to do so. Those of us who do not, find it difficult, only because we are not practiced at it or we get caught up in the mundane world and forget to pay attention to gratitude within the moment. It will never get easier without practice. My goal is to glow like the guy in this video.

1 comment:

  1. Boston, thank you for this post. I often wish I was more of a spiritual person - that I could "feel" the presence of God more. I yearn for this every day... but at the same time I have always been able to see the bright side and feel gratitude for all of life's blessings, even in the hard times. I see humour and beauty even during sad and painful challenges and I think that sometimes makes other people think I'm either insensitive or in denial about the reality of a situation. Reading your post made me realize that what I have is a gift; a willingness and ability to hold light. I've always thought of this as optimism, hope or positive thinking... but I realize now that it could be a lot more than that.


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