Thursday, November 25, 2010

Positive Process

The frightful giant beast slithers along eking ever closer to the claimed territory of dread. It creeps closer and closer… Gasp! Anxiety rises up into throat as beast hisses threat of panic, happiness. It hisses again, happiness. Dread stakes its claim and holds firm against beast. Wait! Beast looks much smaller than first thought. Beast only moves slowly and gently as it crawls along leaving a trail of hissed happiness. In fact, beast’s presence brings comfort, if only for a moment before dread panics. When beast allowed to linger, dread loses claim. Soon both share territory. Unclear which is beast…unclear. Must choose.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Seed of prosperity is planted through the gentle hands that help another. It is nurtured into sprout with compassionate intention for that which used to be called competition. Flowers grow together in a field, each one contributing to the richness of rainbow visions spanning a meadow. Together, they spread a blanket of cooperative beauty across lands of milk and honey. Prosperity grows wildly, flourishing among those who think with helping in mind.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Source and scarcity

The sword of fire reigns over America knighting her with two paradoxical forces: scarcity and resourcefulness. Blade cuts path of new thought as understanding pervades mind. Scarcity is in mind, not real. Not real. Source lies within and takes form of giving. What gift is offered brings resources. Aid another to be successful. Offer another what is longed for self and prosperity rules. Odds of success… one hundred percent. Then blade swings to re-knight as great leader (warrior) and resourcefulness rules mind.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Highly sought after and ever elusive for most people, passion slowly finds its way into the heart of those who seek it. One day it strikes like a powerful bolt of clarity as it screams, “I am here”. It grabs by throat refusing to let go until it is heard, “I am your destiny, what drives your existence and you will obey me.” Obey it must, as nothing else will do.

Then to recognize in what form passion shows itself; that is the trick. Leave money aside to ask what is most valued? What is most wanted to give to the world? What assets within are paid attention to and grown? Are these congruent?

My passion is to help you find your passion and I am tenacious in my pursuit. It drives me with thunderous clarity as I dig through my large bag of tools searching for the one that best allows you to build self. With passion as my passion, I offer clarity to those who seek it and with great pleasure serve it up on silver and gold.