Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Other is angry…other will leave. Ego fears being left when anger rises in other. Peace at all costs. No boundaries. Nurture, nurture, then other will stay. Fear brings opportunity to take position and speak highest truth. Speak opinion, speak through courage, speak and be heard over other’s anger. This is what fear asks. Be willing to be alone with Self rather than silence self into passive boundary-less being.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


A measure of tolerance beckons as bother rises into throat, waiting to spew ugliness from the underside of reason. Howling through the boughs of irritation, frustration whirls through mind with icy cold fury that is its wintry storm…brewing…brewing. LOOK IN THE EYE. Storm is calm as sleeping baby. Right in the middle, the center of Self lays the resolution to stormy clash. Patience; a measure of compassion.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Flowing through mind with every thought and feeling, everything and everyone is in relationship. To treat everything as it is a relationship is to respect flow of life and natural cycles. Planets, plants, animals and people relate through each moment of time as a candle to a darkened room when giving energy. Darkness takes energy while light gives it. Relate as is wished.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Wanting from others to feel safe and secure. Their wants differ and their path differs. Betrayal bursts through door with blazing fires. Want more to feel safe. Want more to feel secure. No one is giving what is wanted. Betrayal thrives in bigger flames. Let go wanting. Let go control of outcome. Let go betrayal for other sees own path. Other sees strong, competent one who can fill own wants. No betrayal intended. Forgive others their own paths, their own wishes and betrayal dies.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Thwarted by desire to belong, rejection screams, “I am worthy”, but deep inside worthiness is not believed. Grow and expand Self through opportunity of aloneness. Rejection does not mean unworthiness. It does mean ‘go the other way. This way is not correct.’ Stop trying to open the same door over and over again. Go to another door. If new door is hidden, wait until fog clears so it can be seen.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Positive Process

The frightful giant beast slithers along eking ever closer to the claimed territory of dread. It creeps closer and closer… Gasp! Anxiety rises up into throat as beast hisses threat of panic, happiness. It hisses again, happiness. Dread stakes its claim and holds firm against beast. Wait! Beast looks much smaller than first thought. Beast only moves slowly and gently as it crawls along leaving a trail of hissed happiness. In fact, beast’s presence brings comfort, if only for a moment before dread panics. When beast allowed to linger, dread loses claim. Soon both share territory. Unclear which is beast…unclear. Must choose.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Seed of prosperity is planted through the gentle hands that help another. It is nurtured into sprout with compassionate intention for that which used to be called competition. Flowers grow together in a field, each one contributing to the richness of rainbow visions spanning a meadow. Together, they spread a blanket of cooperative beauty across lands of milk and honey. Prosperity grows wildly, flourishing among those who think with helping in mind.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Source and scarcity

The sword of fire reigns over America knighting her with two paradoxical forces: scarcity and resourcefulness. Blade cuts path of new thought as understanding pervades mind. Scarcity is in mind, not real. Not real. Source lies within and takes form of giving. What gift is offered brings resources. Aid another to be successful. Offer another what is longed for self and prosperity rules. Odds of success… one hundred percent. Then blade swings to re-knight as great leader (warrior) and resourcefulness rules mind.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Highly sought after and ever elusive for most people, passion slowly finds its way into the heart of those who seek it. One day it strikes like a powerful bolt of clarity as it screams, “I am here”. It grabs by throat refusing to let go until it is heard, “I am your destiny, what drives your existence and you will obey me.” Obey it must, as nothing else will do.

Then to recognize in what form passion shows itself; that is the trick. Leave money aside to ask what is most valued? What is most wanted to give to the world? What assets within are paid attention to and grown? Are these congruent?

My passion is to help you find your passion and I am tenacious in my pursuit. It drives me with thunderous clarity as I dig through my large bag of tools searching for the one that best allows you to build self. With passion as my passion, I offer clarity to those who seek it and with great pleasure serve it up on silver and gold.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Energy moves and mingles in every moment. Thought alone has no substance, much like electrons in a wire. They cannot move of their own accord, they need a driver. Emotions, like voltage, carry energy through the ethers into the hearts and minds of others and the universe, which responds in kind.

How is energy managed? From where do struggles come? The nourishment of attention grows and expands. Attention with emotion is power to move and manage. Elation married to intention and gestated with the nourishment of love brings to fruition.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


If I were God, I’d look upon my children and see how far they have come up out of darkness and I would see that they are on the edge of real light and ready for the next step. To that end I would raze what remains of their monetary system so they could face fears of lack, see how they relate to and value money, and rise up to build a new system, a system that values all people equally, a system that encourages fulfilling passion, a system of conscious relating to the system. And I would smile at seeing them blossom.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


The heart and dynamic soul of human existence, groups breathe life into psyche. They determine feelings about self, manners, values and more. To how many groups anyone may belong is countless: family, lover, company, friends based on topic, interest or purpose.

How close or how far each group member is to self flows and ebbs like a river that rises and falls with the rains. Some are fast and furious and gone in a flash flood of confused emotion while others meander and loiter in and out of days and years.

Groups work best when held in even numbers. Odd numbered members means one is always left out because people pair up in alliance for power and survival, to see each other’s point of view in agreement to preserve psyche. Third wheel comes to mind as common term. Odd numbered groups can survive if two do not gather to discuss one.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Introversion / Extroversion

Culture supports extroversion; outgoing jokester, life of the party character bringing sunshine to the lives of those around them. Make an entrance. Take over the room to show prowess and authority. Fill the entire space with yourself. Walk tall. Sell, sell, sell. Be outgoing. Make lots of money. Sparkle and shine.

Introvert is quiet, philosophical and sagely. Rarely noticed while standing against wall, waiting for the party to be over. Longing for home and time alone. Doesn’t care to serve economy, but rather an inner, or higher, calling. Where is respect and support for being wise to the inner, spiritual world? Why is spiritual or emotional IQ not valued like mental IQ? Are not all necessary? Culture doesn’t fit introvert… Just doesn’t fit.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Economic Slavery:

Fall into job. Strive for big house, more money, health care, caring for children and so on. Sleep a third (33%) of life. Work over a third of life. Spend about 15% resting idle to prepare for more work. Spend last 15% doing whatever might feed Self and soul, if known how and other areas of life don’t suck away that time.

Why is there such a strong push to work so much? When is enough, enough? There was a time when we could choose to work half time and live more simply. No more. The choice to work part time no longer exists because costs have gone higher than incomes.

It’s like playing the game monopoly. It’s fun to get houses and hotels on your property and watch people struggle to pay; it brings a sense of winning; of power. Then winning happens and the game is over because those who can’t pay are forced into bankruptcy and can no longer play. Monopoly shows capitalism at it’s best, but in a short period of time so viewing results is easy. It’s a pyramid scheme and it does not work long term to sustain all players. It does provide plenty of competition, but at what cost?

From a book called World Changing, edited by Alex Steffen, this is stated, “If we were selling our time-and perhaps our souls- to a system that truly fed us, that would be one thing. But the economy is not designed for people; rather, people are trained to serve the economy.”

Economic slavery defined: The forced position to work at any job, regardless of fulfillment, in order to survive because societal systems are such that there is no alternative.

A strong need to think outside known reality is at hand. In order to change the system to one that works for everyone’s personal fulfillment; to one that serves all, a radical new idea is needed. RADICAL IDEA!! Someone out there has an idea. Many someone’s have ideas that could all work. Maybe it’s you. Maybe you feel like there is no point since the system is so big and those in control have too much power? There is a point. Bring it. I am willing to put in my 15% to help. Will you?

If money didn’t exist, what would you do to show up in the world? How would you want to leave the world better? Will your soul settle for anything less? It’s time.
Game over.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Health and Mercury

This blog will not be as poetic as my usual blog style because this is a serious topic that needs to be clear. About three years ago I became very ill with food intolerances. I’ve had this intolerance come on gradually over many years. The issue became progressively worse until I was in bed for four months with severe anemia, hypoglycemia, and much more of which I will spare you the details.

With great effort, I realized that I was gluten intolerant. So I began to heal my body by avoiding gluten. Then I developed allergies to eggs, dairy, corn, night shades and on it goes. My condition has continued to get worse. Interestingly enough, I began getting clients with the same condition. In fact, every third or fourth person I looked at (medical intuition) had the same problem. Inflammation of the intestines, interstitial cystitis of the bladder, joint pain, hypoglycemia, fatigue, low iron, weight gain, enlarged right lobe of the thyroid, susceptibility to illness and more. Many of these people were diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

I couldn’t figure out why so many people had this incredibly common ailment that continued to get worse, even with diet changes, and no doctors seemed to understand that all these symptoms were the same disease and not fibromyalgia. Interstitial cystitis is a huge red flag for whatever this is.

Then I began working with Dr. Moira Fitzpatrick, a naturopathic physician, doing readings for her difficult cases. I came across more of the same and she identified their ailment as Hashimoto’s Disease, an autoimmune disease. Great! Now I have a name for this very popular problem. Now I want to know what is causing it. Why is it so prevalent? I couldn’t see any body processes that were creating the problem.

Then I saw a film called The Beautiful Truth, about The Gerson Therapy and our food supply. A man in that film said this one statement, one time and it struck me like lightening, “Mercury fillings cause autoimmune diseases”. They showed how mercury emits gaseous vapor when scraped at all. So every time we chew or get our teeth cleaned, we are exposed to mercury poisoning. Ah ha! That would explain why the problem gets worse when all the corrective measures are taken. So I set about my task and asked everyone I know who has Hashimoto’s if they have mercury fillings. They do and so do I. I checked with my guides several times to make sure. The answer I get is yes, mercury causes autoimmune diseases. Here is a link to some information about mercury poisoning.

Hashimoto’s Disease can be confirmed by thyroid tests. The immune system is so busy dealing with the constant exposure to mercury that it begins to fail causing autoimmune issues. Your system begins to attack itself beginning with the thyroid. The thyroid doesn’t produce hormones correctly which in turn tell the pancreas to stop producing pepsin and then the stomach stops producing acid and enzymes for digestion, which in turn causes inflammation of the intestines because the food can’t be digested. The inflamed intestines cause lack of nutrient absorption so then hypoglycemia and interstitial cystitis occur, as well as weight gain because you are constantly hungry from being mal-nourished. Eventually, the gallbladder begins to act up too and it goes on from there.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


When door opens to dark room, light bleeds into room; darkness does not bleed into lighted hallway. Light cannot be dowsed unless light-holder wishes it dowsed. The first Adam came unto a very dark world to act as candle; a flicker of hope to save souls who were trapped in their own dark creations.

When Adam returned as Yeshua, he did not say I am your teacher, he said, “I am the light and the way. Follow me and you will be saved”. He was not here to teach, but to remind of beauty, to show that all have light.

To teach, one must see others as less than because to place self as teacher, one must judge other as in need of learning; in need of being better than. Teacher/student relationships require a power structure. Power structures make for separation (darkness) rather than connection. Yeshua wished for equality. He said, “You will do works as great as I and greater works than I”. He wanted all to hold light and by doing so, do great works. Self is not here to teach. Self is here to support and empower beauty. Learning, however, may be involved.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Endless self-reflecting challenge appears as small packages of humans. Little things clinging to pant legs uttering phrase ‘I want’ all day long. Parent constantly questioning reactions, feelings, words, decisions… bring ongoing self-doubt as daily ritual. What little thing needs? What little thing wants? What about little thing??

Social pressure to be perfect parent, remain calm, never yell because that’s abusive, don’t spank, redirect, don’t say no, but say no. Bring self fully, authentically to the game, but not like that. Praise them, praise them little things.

No I say. Yell I will when patience pushed. Praise I will too. Good for little things to know when line crossed. Good for little thing to feel safe that parent is in control. Question self? Yes. Always. Parents cannot perfect be and little things scarred will be because they choose how to see it. Parent cannot prevent little thing from seeing scars or placing blame. They just will.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life and Death:

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…” Called life, but realistically is death; the forgetting of True Self upon incarnation. Part of soul lost to consciousness, lost to knowing and understanding leaves feeling of aloneness.

How to thrive in death (earth walk)? Find grace and peace within relating to higher self; to squelch hellish fear, worry and judgment. Find meaning within life (death) and return to eternal life with new knowledge and understanding of life forgotten in earth walk. Why come here to tread land?

Whole Self cannot be known while whole. Must break down parts to experience Self in pieces; dark pieces, light pieces, grey pieces… Walk in physical boots to know all of Self through the ages, time and time again. Time brings change in experience, brings change in surroundings, brings new stars, new magnetic radiations, new parts of Self exposed. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil…”

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Words heard through veils of thick wounds, cascading down listener mind, certain to hear same old thing. Monsters telling stories to lure victim into familiar trap, or well intentioned other falling prey to self’s past experiences?

What lies dormant but suddenly wakes like sleeping giant within? Trespasses past flash flood the cascade wringing forth giant’s cries as writhing commences. All this only to make a choice: hear same old meanings and scamper away like kitten hurt, or listen with new ears, see with new eyes and taste with new tongue that which may be kind, well-intended and/or not about self.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul.” Psalm 23.

Wanting set aside and detachment from outcome embraced, then abundance provided. Faith and trust in higher self brings peace of still emotions, then centeredness (soul restored). Forgotten, these words, and their meaning, hold little value. Remembered, ease the dis-ease of fear.

Yeshua said, “You shall be all that I am and more.” To be like him means to think like him. To ascend means to overcome karmic fear, which will be one, or more, of four: unworthiness, insecurity, abandonment and unknown. All four grab by throat to suffocate. Only defense?...give up wanting life to go a certain way. Accept what comes in challenge and pass the test. The alternative is failing self.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who take it.” Yeshua (Jesus): Matthew, 7.13-14.
If clearing mind was easy, it would have been done by now. The hard road traveled requires practice and faith. Not faith that what is wanted is acquired, but faith that God / Spirit wants all to be happy and will provide whatever is necessary, even if that is homelessness, bankruptcy or death. I say this for me as much as you. Economic times challenge as monetary system changes. I have no reference for what an economy without greed might look like or work like, but I so look forward to finding out. Imagine. Imagine so it can become so.

Practice returning mind to trust and fill it with thoughts of gratitude for whatever is or will be. “The Lord is my Sheppard, I shall not want.” Fear leads to destruction of self. Trust is the rougher road…at first. The more this road is traveled, the smoother it becomes.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Spiritual maturing proceeds from one level to the next like a great spiral staircase, one step at a time. Every once in a while there is a small landing upon which to stand and take in sustenance equal to a new level of consciousness. Pieces and parts of higher self unite with earthly self on those landings.

Journey continues as a new birth, resembling a mini reincarnation. Learning of old wisdom begins again with each rise traveled. All that was known of how to deal with fear must be relearned. All that was known of personality must be re-experienced in the new self.

To see through new eyes means to relearn through them as well. Maturity strengthens soul to become lighter and lighter with each step on the ascending rise to become a light being of compassion, quiet strength, forgiveness, trust and sovereignty; ignoring fear. Each level accomplished brings new insights, new perspectives to new eyes.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Longing for…something. What is it? What makes the hole inside seem so big and hollow? A cavernous space left behind by old energy systems that now needs filling with…something. Piscean age passes leaving behind desire for sacrifice, which came out backwards as selfish concerns; selfish because with sacrificial thinking, no one wants to be who is sacrificed.

Aquarian age transcends, bringing new energy for something to fill the void left by Pisces. The cavern can only be filled with what Aquarius wants. Anything else will be spat out. Aquarius wants inner freedom (autonomy), innovation (creativity), service to others and self-mastery, the four components of inner peace.

To fill the gaping void with Aquarian energy dynamics, begin with autonomy by carving time into schedule, then use time to create a gift for the world that provides service to others. Self-mastery results.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Strings of energy flow to and fro through a gateway of intention. That which is expected comes to life, while that which is desired repels. Thoughts and feelings blow mighty winds forcing doors open and closed in each moment.

Intention runs energy and dictates pathways. Two or more beings focused on same intention generate exponential power to create. Intend to heal all fears. Intend to house compassion. Intend to be peaceful. Intend to remain focused on such and these will come.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Like hunter stalking prey, want from others follows as a dark shadow plaguing its victim. Hunger for energy, praise, absolution, love, apologies, acknowledgement of existence, worthiness…leaves empty belly.

Hunter insists on stalking the same prey over and over and all the while not catching it…hunter dies. Not catching prey does not reflect hunter’s worthiness as a hunter, but rather prey’s worthiness to escape. The meeting of hunter’s needs lies elsewhere. Hunter must travel a different trail.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Essential to physical life, lines hold definition and placement. Lines create shapes that bring order from chaos and labels to reflect reality. Lines, labels and boxes bring sanity. Lines fixed hard into stone are finite and immovable. Lines drawn in water disappear as soon as they are made. Lines sketched soft onto paper are erasable and changeable.

Heart-felt lines, both fixed and flexible, make relating possible. Holding lines hard when heart wants to be soft brings challenge. Hard lines, like levees along the ocean, bring safety and security against mighty forces. Soft lines give flexibility to gentler forces. Knowing when to be hard and when to be soft is one part of self-mastery.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Faith and Disappointment

Like black tire hanging from tree, faith and disappointment swing forward and back, forward and back. Dichotomous states weigh heavy strain on branch’s support. Hope for future. Fear of past repeats. Branch creaks as tire becomes heavier with each passing swing adding force to make it go higher and higher until… it breaks.

Unoccupied, tire hangs in stillness. Branch remains strong. Tree remains vital and connected to other trees. No swing, no strain, no creak, no break… No fun.

Still tire invites movement; invites action. Can tire swing without becoming heavy and burdensome to branch? Can dichotomous states exist in moderation to allow experience of life without careening out of control? Wishes and dreams put into action without attachment to outcome, or timing, swings the tire just enough to have fun without breaking the branch.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Raw and insistent, fear grumbles in mind like poisonous venom as it courses through veins eating life. Fangs of obsessive notion gorge on flesh of connected love. Subtle in opinion, fierce in anger; fear grows mightier in every moment it is allowed to thrive. Think of it to give it power; ignore it to give it due.

Rather focus to empowerment of other. Give detachment of need or want. Give non-judgment. Give to raise esteem. Self will not die without the love clung to, but thrive on the giving of it. Empty longing will not be filled without the elevation of other.

The poisonous beast may only be killed through setting it free. Violent force upon it grows it stronger and fiercer. Gentleness it cannot understand nor tolerate. Give and it shall die.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Power of now

Control of life progress and process eludes as learning self-discipline of mind slows manifestation of future dreamed. 2012 approaches like a hurricane with its promised notion of self-realization and ability to manifest life as wished. Mighty winds of disciplined mind lacks for such a task while notion has arrived. Right now stormy powers hover, yet unrealized.

Thoughts travel outward in a swirl made visible to God-force and returned as sent. Keeping a blank slate returns a blank slate. Power is held by the disciplined and undisciplined alike. Heart and mind create. That upon which is focused returns through the hurricane rains.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Like thunder, the booming voice of judgment rolls out in ripples as it licks the aura of other only to echo back and penetrate identity. Lightening strikes out another chip of self-esteem, as longing to push away self-realization satiates for the moment. Strive to raze back from the ashes by throwing another ball of BOOM only to burn further down.

Thunder penetrates and lightening burns bringing opportunity of transformation. Renovate self in the wake of casted ripples. Become a phoenix of discernment, which casts nothing: not to other, and therefore, not to self.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Chaos sometimes appears in restless form while empty weighs in with a hefty dose of blah, accompanied by boredom. A lioness of energy roars for the hunt of dreams that won’t wait for a starving hunter. She growls low and furrows her brow with a quizzical suggestion of NOW. Now is the time to pounce, now is when something must happen, but she waits because she must. Agitatedly waits for the next meal of direction to fill the empty of tedium.

Out of the chaotic wilds a new kind of meal comes, but not yet. Lioness must linger and listen for her prey of dreams. Will she recognize it when it comes, or will it pass stealthily by unnoticed? She prances back and forth eager to capture her new essence.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Life creeps along more slowly than desire for movement. Transition to another step in journey’s purpose leaves wanting for more…now. Conscious self wants control, wants progress, wants, wants, wants like a small child expressing tantrums of yearning.

Strive to complete journey brings stoppages, one after another. Let go screams higher self. Let us see what’s next. Let us run things from where we can see the future. Allow self to relax; enjoy a break in between tasks. No movement now sees busy-ness in near future. Eliminate struggle, wait for planets to align with your mission; wait for right timing.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Increase self-esteem

I am setting poetic license aside for this blog so I can talk straight and clear about how to raise self-esteem. I see the issue of low self-esteem as the reason taking of energy is such a big phenomenon while giving remains minimal. This is what creates conflict both on a personal level and a world level: a strong desire to take and not give equally. Taking energy occurs when focus is placed on self in negative ways. For example, does so and so love me? Do I parent the right way? Do I meet expectations?

Self-esteem comes into question when inner conflict is experienced. You may have two values that are out of sync. For example, you value providing for your family, but you also value following your passion in regards to career and that may mean not having sufficient income to provide for family. The conflict of values will wreak havoc with your self-esteem.

How to raise self-esteem? Make a list of what you value on each of the four planes: Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Where do those values come from? Are they yours or do they come from your family, boss, culture, media etc.? Can you live up to your expectations? If not, then you have to change your values or change your behavior to suit your values. Likely both. If your expectations are too high, you will always suffer low self-esteem. If your behaviors, and I mean on the inner more than the outer, don’t match your values, you will suffer low self-esteem.

You may have to accept your humanity. Appreciate what being human does. It gives your soul an opportunity to experience all parts of energy, not just the light parts. Pushing your ego aside will not help you. Your ego is part of your humanity and it is not a bad thing. Ego is nothing more than a container for your thoughts and attitudes. It is full of whatever you fill it with.
1. Physical - Express appreciative thoughts about your body and what works right with it rather than what you think is wrong with it. Express gratitude for all materials received such as food, clothing and shelter.

2. Mental - When you catch yourself thinking negatively, thank your mind for showing you the binary energy system at work. That is why your soul is here, to experience all parts of energy. Then move on and choose what you think.

3. Emotional - Feel appreciation for your emotions, all of them. They exist to give you power, consciousness and information about your interactions with the world. Then choose how to manage them and evaluate values.

4. Spiritual - Your soul automatically wants a relationship with God, however or whatever that is to you. Remember God in all things in each moment because a part of you longs for that connection home. Develop a daily spiritual practice, even if it’s just saying thank you to God when you wake up each day.

Think of what you can do for others. Serving others is the root of what every soul on this earth finds to be of value at this time so how can you help? You can serve simply by giving love energy out. No one has to know that you do it. In fact, if you are really loving, and not taking energy, no one should know.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Low Self-esteem

The darkest demon within writhes unseen through the copious thoughts of self. Not enough. Never enough. Unlovable. Others are more. A constant struggle to move into light, Self takes. Search for others with light from whom to take so Self can find love. So much taking, so little time. Who shall give?

Search for partner love from whom to take. Want someone with humor, to be good enough, to give enough. If other is good and near, then Self is lovable. Low Self-esteem drives need to take.

What to offer? Hmmm. Give? Couldn’t possibly. Self would have to know value to make an offer. What value is Self? Hmmm.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Notice a longing to do anything else when faced with the opportunity to do what is loved. What is loved is heart singing and soul fulfilling of passion. Passion is personal power rising from the depths of unconsciousness to be shone upon from the highest high. What fear lies in fulfilling passion? Accessing personal power terrifies like riding in a plane falling to ground uncontrolled. So unworthy to accomplish God’s will that sought instead is another task. Any task will do.

Trust God? Yes. Trust self? No. How to accept personal power to accomplish God’s will / self-passion? Detach from outcome. Detach from idea of Self in charge of path. Detach from all decision making. Trust God to know all means and ways. Trust self not to know how, when, why or what, but to stay out of the way and listen. Listen and follow heart. God will do the rest.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Projected Energy

Hidden rage, driven to deeper depths, finds its way to expression through other. All are one. What one does not wish to express, other must. Energy moves stealthily among the many like an unseen ghost having its way. Niceness belongs to anger and anger to niceness. Choose passive nice-ity over holding lines and anger seeps into the masses to explode.

Entire cultures value nice and turn heads while buried anger arises elsewhere. Fingers pointed and blame placed, “look at that horrible display of rage! Tsk, tsk!” Black and white, Democrat and Republican, Middle East and Western culture: Which will ascend to top? Balance aloof while perspective remains broken and unwhole.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Positive Process

All too familiar, the collapse of downbeat events holds tightly to the heart and mind as though nothing good has ever happened. Long held habits of mentality speak over and over of what goes wrong. Dreams come true? Psyche clings hard to the one familiar truth of - no.

Anxiety runs through nerves at a quick and steady pace while mind skips round in chaotic search for the familiar discontent only to find none. What, what, what? Wishes come true? What? The mind denies the unfamiliar righteousness as a safety mechanism. Renovate Self to recognize joy as harmless becomes the new task. Movement from disappointment to fulfillment is barely recognizable, as joyful zest becomes the engine driving positive process until at last – it is the new familiar.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010



Deep in the core of Self lies the authority to wrestle down inner demons to cooperative, sedentary status. Costumed in fear, demons render powerless that which is supremely powerful. Self possesses complete power to discern lines that others may not cross, complete authority to value Self regardless of outside opinion. No one at any time has any power to influence a conscious state, unless such power is given.

Give away sovereignty and lose Self to other. Retain authority over Self, alone and no other, to gain freedom and connection within. Willingness to stand for something, to take a strong position and hold it even when it’s hard is to gain Self. The Universe will test on this. Fear and insecurity will thrive as life’s challenging maze is traversed. The way out of the maze? …follow heart, especially when it’s hard.

Eleanor Roosevelt understood sovereignty over Self and used it well. I offer several quotes from her here.

• Do what you feel in your heart to be right- for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't.
• Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
• Friendship with ones self is all-important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.
• I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears to do, provided he keeps doing them until he gets a record of successful experience behind him.
• Never allow a person to tell you no who doesn't have the power to say yes.
• No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
• Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.
• We are afraid to care too much for fear that the other person does not care at all.
• We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mining the Psyche

Precious gems, gold and silver line the inner reaches of the psyche. Digging deeper into the darkness searching for treasure to pay off the gods and demons, a strike is had and it’s payday. Tears scale cheek as jewels are extracted from the crevasses of karmic wounding. Painful cries resound as fear is seen and reckoned. To what end does this process continue?

Karmic wounds, present as fear, rise to the surface where the light of day shines like a beacon calling forth the demons to be recognized and embraced. Yes, embraced. Like all living things demons want to belong somewhere, want to be welcomed and will fight to the death to be so. Judgment of fear grows it strong and fierce, while tolerance brings it meek and mild. Fear reacts powerfully to fear and like all things, openly to acceptance.

Treasure cached in the psyche as fear is mined until it is dispelled and replaced with loving tolerance and trust. The light of day shines into the deep cracks erasing the effects of wounding in spite of the wound remaining. That one sliver of gold must remain to keep the psyche in check, to force it to remain humbly human.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Price of Loss

Loss creeps in and out of life like a stolen shadow. It eats at faith and trust in both tiny bite size morsels and gluttonous chomps. Its ferocity can leave one dangling from a thin tether as it stretches further and tighter until…it breaks. Only when it breaks can reconstruction begin.

Gain becomes the stronghold as new life is born like a mushroom in a recently burned forest. Loss and gain, the two tango back and forth across the dance floor of self as a rose dangles from the mouth of this paradoxical cycle.

What is loss, but gain? Old trees must burn to make room for a new forest generation. Transformational fires rage through self via the mundane, external world. Every loss brings new growth and every gain brings new burdens, without exception. Each has reasons. Loss alludes to loss, but it fakes out the perceiver because loss doesn’t exist. There is only the need to make room for new.

The price of loss is freedom, freedom from that which has become wretchedly worn and used up, but not let go of willingly. Renewed by gain, the cycle continues with vigor until the new becomes old and once again transforms. Nothing is permanent. Nothing.

Certain stagnant death would occur if change did not. Small children cry with an abandon at the want of things to stay the same forever. Adults laugh at the cuteness while having their private tears of transformation. Acceptance of change, and the good fortune it brings, offers security. Insecurity comes with insistence on sameness and wanting.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Vote for Boston

I need your vote today to become the Next Top Spiritual Author. The book I’m writing uses a fictional story format to explain the mechanics of karma energy. Karma is a tool used by souls to incarnate. There are only four possible patterns of karmic energy, which form your base personality, and one of them belongs to you. Understanding your pattern, and how it works, gives you full power to clear your karma and in turn, a happy, peaceful life. Winning this contest will mean a publishing contract and marketing money to get this information out to those who wish to have it. I very much appreciate your help. Please vote for Boston Carter at You will need to register to vote as it protects the contest from multiple votes. It is really easy and fast. If you are so inclined, please pass this on to your friends and family to ask for their vote as well. Thank you so much.

Boston Carter

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Character is like a tree that bows in a mighty wind as it gains strength through it’s own resistance to adverse conditions. Life brings winds of change upon even the most innocent, not as a test or punishment, but as a building block in the very foundation of a soul. Current times are challenging and it is good. New foundations are being created through shifts and change as new energies align in the heavens bringing forth an era of sharing and equality.

An outdated system is breathing its last breath as it aches with its own demise. A cash cow that promised inequality and powerlessness gives way to an unknown scheme yet to be envisioned. Collapse of a monetary nothing promises a new… something. Thrive in the chaos of creation as the winds of change blow hard and tumultuous through the now times of transformation. Those who are bankrupt contribute to our new humanity; hopefully with a grin of understanding, while the bankers bite their nails with anxiety of a world they are losing control of and can’t understand.

Adverse times build strength and character like a mighty tree in high winds. Go forth knowing that all is grand and on purpose. Nothing is lost. Destruction before construction: No foundation can be built any other way.

Saturday, March 20, 2010



I’m Boston Carter, a medical intuitive, karma specialist and general psychic. Before you delete this message, please know that I’m not selling anything.
I’ve developed a model that explains how karma energies create personality during the incarnation process. Personality occurs through patterns of perception. What I mean is that there are specific patterns that people view life events through, and the pattern that is yours will create how you feel, how you interact with others, how you think and essentially what kinds of experiences you will have in your life.
There are only four basic patterns, only four, and one of them belongs to you. It is my highest wish to share this information with the hope that it helps you understand yourself and your relationships with others. To that end I am writing two books. The first is a fictional story that will explain what the patterns are and how they work. The second is a non-fiction workbook that is designed to help you see all the ways in which your pattern shows up in your life and how to work with it to clear karmic energies.
I am currently in a learning process through the avenue of a contest. The contest is called The Next Top Spiritual Author. This contest is the American Idol of spiritual writing. The winner will receive a publishing contract and $50,000 for marketing the project. Going through the process of competition is teaching me invaluable lessons about marketing, with which I have always struggled. I’ve never liked the marketing side of writing, but it is an essential aspect to getting my information out to you who can benefit from it. So I am willing to learn.
The contest allows for only one book so I am entering the fictional story and it is called “Grace, Karma and Sin: A Story of Clearing Karma”. In order to win the contest and subsequently to get this information out to you, I need votes. I am asking everyone I know to go the contest website, look at my project as it unfolds and vote for me at each of the four rounds. If you like my work, please pass it on to everyone that you know and ask them to vote too. There are about 2000 participants and only one winner.
The contest will occur over an 8-month period of time. The first round will be a video sales pitch. It is designed to sell my book project to the general population and the publisher. Round two will be the book proposal. Round three will be the first two chapters of my book project and round four will be the completed book. (My fingers are crossed right now.)
I am not selling you anything and no one else will sell you anything. I just need your vote. Following are some links that will allow you to connect with me so I can let you know when it’s time to vote and how to do that. The contest begins March 29th and I look forward to this process. Thank you so much for your time, consideration and your vote.
If you would like to take a further look at what I do, you can read some blogs I’ve posted at and go to my website to read some free articles, watch videos and look at a schematic of the model of perception patterns at

Boston Carter

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Those who are confident shine like a beacon and draw many like a magnet. Self-esteem percolates with zest and oozes from the pores of the phlegmatic.

Frightened by comparisons to other, confidence reshapes into timidity. The eye sees other as mighty and sturdy oak while viewing self as spindly, weak bamboo. The oak is hard and has beautiful lines of grain when polished, while bamboo’s softness splits easily and offers flexibility of movement. Both are beautiful and righteous for their purpose yet comparatively unequal.

The world would be less for the loss of either tree and the world would be less for the loss of any talent, thought, person or contribution. Confidence eludes as comparison competes bamboo with oak. Oak is good by itself. It has many roots that go a distance to hold the earth in place and offers grand shade on a hot day. Bamboo is good when grouped. It offers wind protection, and flexibility of movement, as it’s long trunks sway on the breeze.

The plight of people is to be both oaks and bamboos, sturdy when alone and flexible in groups. Shape shifting back and forth between the two can bring timidity through the power structures of superiority and inferiority.

What would oak trees do in groups? Would they still be oaks or would they compare their bark and leaves to other oaks? Do they remain sturdy and strong or become mushy with self-doubt?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Resistance and Receptivity

Resistance and receptivity: eternal archenemies in a relentless tug-of-war for the prize of supremacy. One cannot exist without the other yet both flutter about seeking a place to land. A useful tool for disregard, resistance follows like a shadowy figure constantly ducking in and out of psyche’s doorways. It persists with a tenacity that Taurus would be proud of as it pushes away everything regardless of value.

Then comes its opponent, receptivity, with a toothy grin and a come hither look. ‘I am open’, it shouts. ‘Come to me, I welcome you. I can see you and I can hear you. I have all that you long for within.’ Receptivity welcomes all, but only if a toll is paid. The price for passage is vulnerability.

Resistance has its place and feels very much at home with its dear friend, guardedness. Receptivity only feels at home with vulnerability. Two tag teams of energy driving down the toll road of destiny as each pushes and pulls on the wheel. Come here fate and take me to my shrine of happiness, but go away providence and keep me from that which I most fear.
Push, pull, tug and tweak in continual search for the center between these teamed enemies. Subjective midpoint persistently moves and changes as it eludes its seeker who incessantly hunts its prey.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Unknown

The known future slithers along just out of visual range. No matter how much it is chased, it is always faster than the chaser. It never tires of toying as it covertly moves through the thick underbrush of dread. The dreaded unknown rises to be seen clothed in religion and fear as explanations and information are sought to stop the chaos of a seeking mind that has nothing solid to seize.
Current times are bulging with the unknown, so much that many are ready to detonate. Clearing meadows of change and transformation tease as the wriggling beast is sighted. Then, it’s back in the underbrush again. What hides under the bushes? Is there a tall, sheer cliff from which to tumble, or is there a mountain of wishes and dreams treasure waiting to be scooped up and hunkered away under coat?
Back room trust evades as it ekes in and out of reality. Trust, the notion that sets aside fear of that which cannot be controlled. Trust: not for the timid or weak of mind, but only for those willing to risk it’s inclusion and occupation of sanity.

The following are quotes that include the word unknown and are available through

“History does not record anywhere at any time a religion that has any rational basis. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the unknown without help.” Robert Heinlein.

“Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown.” Unknown. :D

“The more everybody lives, the more life reveals to him; what was unknown becomes known.” Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Abortion and Sin

Today’s blog was originally going to be on the topic of sin. Someone pointed out to me the following blog post on abortion as viewed through the eyes of a Virginia Republican State Delegate, Bob Marshall. I take this opportunity to express my beliefs about abortion so I decided that abortion and sin can sit side by side in today’s blog and will likely do fine. The two topics are written separately, but I think it will work out. As always feel free to comment and share your opinions.
The following was posted to a Seattle PI blog on Feb. 22, 2010 by Joel Connelly and can be found at this link:

Disabled children -- God's punishment, lawmaker claims
Disabled children are the Lord's punishment for women who "abort the first born," a Republican state legislator from Virginia has argued in calling on state officials to eliminate state money going to Planned Parenthood. State Delegate Bob Marshall, from the Washington, D.C., suburb of Manassas, told Planned Parenthood foes: The number of children who are born subsequent to a first abortion with handicaps has increased dramatically. Why? Because when you abort the first born of any, nature takes its vengeance on the subsequent children. In the Old Testament, the first born of every being, animal and man, was dedicated to the Lord. There's a special punishment Christians would suggest.

The News-Leader newspaper reported that about 20 people, "mostly Christian pastors and clergy" heard Marshall's remarks at the General Assembly Building in Richmond.

The petition to cease Planned Parenthood funding was signed by prominent religious right leaders including the Rev. Pat Robertson and the Rev. Jonathan Falwell. Gov. Bob McDonnell, a Republican elected last November, has publicly backed calls to cut off money to Planned Parenthood.

At the gathering, Dean Nelson, executive director of the Network of Politically Active Christians, said: "We are gathered to draw attention to the unethical, immoral and racist practices of the largest abortion provider in America."

A tricky notion to wrap my values around, abortion calls out all my wits. I do not believe in killing, yet I do believe abortion is a woman’s right and I feel no judgment for her doing so. How is it that I can justify these two seemingly paradoxical ideas? I look beyond the physical form and I fall back on what I know or can find out for myself. Is it killing to abort a fetus? Since I have a value that says I don’t kill, that becomes a very important question. What I know as an intuitive practitioner is that during the incarnation process, an entity will go in and out of the newly created physical body, but won’t stay permanently until about the seventh month. That’s been my experience and that process may not always be the same for every being coming into the earth plane. In reality, I don’t think it matters when a soul occupies a body because I also know that if a fetus is aborted, the soul set to occupy it will find another way to come back and often enter another fetus of the same mother later on. No wrong is being done to the incarnating entity.

What does matter is how the pregnant woman feels about it. It is the same with someone who takes a life at any point. If you kill something or someone and your values say that is wrong, then you create karmic energy for yourself. Your actions and values either match or they don’t. When they don’t, sin is created (see following piece on sin).

The entity incarnating experiences the same thing if a miscarriage occurs. There is no difference between miscarriage and abortion as far as the incarnating entity is concerned. Their main concern is timing. For them, entering the earth plane at the best time is most important. We all choose to come in when astrological alignments (magnetic radiations) are best suited to create the personality we need for our purpose. Abortion can interfere with that timing, but other plans can, and are, made.
In my opinion, abortion itself is not sinful, but rather it creates ill timing for those entities incarnating and can create karma for the woman having the abortion if her values say it’s wrong. On the other hand, if everyone felt ok about abortions to the point that entities could no longer incarnate with right timing, I suspect the Universe would do something to change our belief system so our process as humans could continue. I’m not sure about that or what could be done, but that isn’t for me to know.

Sin. I sin on a daily basis as I struggle to maintain my sense of values and inner calm. I thank Edgar Cayce for his definition of sin, the misuse of divine source. It helps me to make sense of sin and how it sends me to hell. New Age thought tells me that sin doesn’t exist yet I see hell all around me. I see heaven all around me too. Hell on earth or heaven on earth. Which shall it be? Do I contribute to one or the other? Yes.

I strive to capture heaven both outside of me and inside of me, but at times it is as elusive as a lynx in the woods. It jumps wildly from here to there and back again moving with lightening speed and stealthy silence.

Sin dwells within me too, creating my own dark and stifling hell as I cower in the corner of uncertainty. To fear the unknown future, or to see the future as a past wrong done to me, begets wrongs and hell. Whether it’s fear of rage and anger as I spout my truth, or guileful wrath as I take a stand, I build my own hell and since energy projects out and affects you, I help to construct your hell also.

Sinful fear. It binds my spirit if I care what you think of me. It imprisons me if I can’t stand to be alone. It crushes me if I take better care of you than me. It ruins me if I allow it to take over the values and beliefs that define my Self.

Self: the ultimate heaven since God and I are the same. How can Self be heavenly if I fill Self with sinful fear? Self being Source Divine, how can I like me if I can’t follow my own philosophies and truths? I can’t. Heaven eludes as I cower. Hell persists through my fearful perceptions. Heaven exists softly within my ability to see life events as righteous. All events have a positive side. There is no exception to that. My belief in that truth is the very thing that allows me to possess heaven if I so choose. On earth as it is in heaven.

Boston Carter is a mystic, medical intuitive, karma specialist and relationship specialist as well as author, teacher and general psychic. Her website is

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Connection and Separation

Connection. How do I stay connected and what does that mean? I sometimes feel like a giant wedge of vulnerability is driving my choices. I want to be an openhearted and kind person all the time, but I’m not. Many times my desire to control rears its head like a lion roars after its prey. If I control everything around me I can feel safe, but safe does not bring connection. Safe drives the wedge of separation deeper creating a crevasse of vulnerability in my mountainous desire to belong.
An endless cycle of wishes and dreams dashed in a single, reactive moment of safety that leaves me and others stymied. Control means to win. Control means to be in charge. Control means to separate, and that can be very purposeful. Connection? What does that look like and how does it serve me?
What I think of as safe brings separation. To what degree do I really feel safe if I'm separate from all those who matter to me? Connection to those I love is what makes me really feel safe. How do I do that? If I want to connect to you, I must be willing to risk. I tend to ask the question “can you hold me and my fragile self-esteem safe enough to connect to you”. The question I should be asking is “am I capable of holding my own fragile self-esteem and making it not so fragile”.
I connect to you now by telling you of these two opposing forces of connection and separation within me. I speak my truth. I am not as connective as I want to be. Truth: a confession of inner wellness that brings relief and lifts the burden and weight of safety and separation. Welcome to my inner self.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Real Power

As a person who has felt powerful most of my life I long to empower you who might feel powerless. Although I’ve mostly felt powerful, I haven’t always been powerful. I have cradled the illusion of power like a protective mother and I have held the breath of real power in my chest as it nurses passion for life. My travels through the mists of power have led me from a narrow, tunneled view to an open expanse of optimism.

Real power is an elusive and cunning creature. She moves lightening fast as she ekes in and out of consciousness. She thrives in stealthy silence and lonely humility. Real power does not shout from the rooftops nor slam her fist in a loud bullying obsession to control. She does not sit still with a white knuckled grip on circumstances. She does stand tall with eyes straight ahead and arms open wide. She does find you through your truth, ethics and integrity.

A mystical force, power is yours for the cooperating, not for the taking. She can only be with you if you are ripe to hold her within your giant hand of self-esteem. She will not bear with your arrogance, but only with your confidence. She will not flow with your actionable habits that are misaligned with your morals and ideals. Power dwells within a house that is built on congruent behaviors and values, actions and beliefs. Power knows its name is Self and claims itself within the center of your being where neutrality lives.

Having no enemies, power sits at the same table with anyone who asks. She is always available to you and she is always seeking the next moment to serve. Your truth, philosophy, values and beliefs determine where power lives and thrives. She is yours as long as you don’t try to capture her. She is loving as long as you don’t push her away. She will find you only if Self is valued by you. Value of Self becomes power when your beliefs and values flourish in congruent actions and behaviors, both inside your mind and in the outside world.

Copyright 2010 Now Age Knowledge