Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Faith and Disappointment

Like black tire hanging from tree, faith and disappointment swing forward and back, forward and back. Dichotomous states weigh heavy strain on branch’s support. Hope for future. Fear of past repeats. Branch creaks as tire becomes heavier with each passing swing adding force to make it go higher and higher until… it breaks.

Unoccupied, tire hangs in stillness. Branch remains strong. Tree remains vital and connected to other trees. No swing, no strain, no creak, no break… No fun.

Still tire invites movement; invites action. Can tire swing without becoming heavy and burdensome to branch? Can dichotomous states exist in moderation to allow experience of life without careening out of control? Wishes and dreams put into action without attachment to outcome, or timing, swings the tire just enough to have fun without breaking the branch.

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