Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Longing for…something. What is it? What makes the hole inside seem so big and hollow? A cavernous space left behind by old energy systems that now needs filling with…something. Piscean age passes leaving behind desire for sacrifice, which came out backwards as selfish concerns; selfish because with sacrificial thinking, no one wants to be who is sacrificed.

Aquarian age transcends, bringing new energy for something to fill the void left by Pisces. The cavern can only be filled with what Aquarius wants. Anything else will be spat out. Aquarius wants inner freedom (autonomy), innovation (creativity), service to others and self-mastery, the four components of inner peace.

To fill the gaping void with Aquarian energy dynamics, begin with autonomy by carving time into schedule, then use time to create a gift for the world that provides service to others. Self-mastery results.

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