Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Endless self-reflecting challenge appears as small packages of humans. Little things clinging to pant legs uttering phrase ‘I want’ all day long. Parent constantly questioning reactions, feelings, words, decisions… bring ongoing self-doubt as daily ritual. What little thing needs? What little thing wants? What about little thing??

Social pressure to be perfect parent, remain calm, never yell because that’s abusive, don’t spank, redirect, don’t say no, but say no. Bring self fully, authentically to the game, but not like that. Praise them, praise them little things.

No I say. Yell I will when patience pushed. Praise I will too. Good for little things to know when line crossed. Good for little thing to feel safe that parent is in control. Question self? Yes. Always. Parents cannot perfect be and little things scarred will be because they choose how to see it. Parent cannot prevent little thing from seeing scars or placing blame. They just will.

1 comment:

  1. It's a welcome time when people are beginning to question so many of our "shoulds." Too much in our heads. Too little from our hearts.


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