Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Like hunter stalking prey, want from others follows as a dark shadow plaguing its victim. Hunger for energy, praise, absolution, love, apologies, acknowledgement of existence, worthiness…leaves empty belly.

Hunter insists on stalking the same prey over and over and all the while not catching it…hunter dies. Not catching prey does not reflect hunter’s worthiness as a hunter, but rather prey’s worthiness to escape. The meeting of hunter’s needs lies elsewhere. Hunter must travel a different trail.


To expect certain attitudes from someone who won’t feed you leaves you hungry for more praise, more apologies and more acknowledgements. To continue seeking these from the same person who won’t give them, is to kill yourself from starvation. Either seek what you hunger for from within yourself, or surround yourself with those who appreciate what you offer them as food. Both is preferable.

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