Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sickness and Health

I’m not going to give you one of my usual poetic emotional descriptors today. Instead I’m going to write on a subject I am rather passionate about. With five planets in Taurus, yes I said five, I have a strong relationship with food. I am a proponent of organic farming and green agricultural practices. Why? As a medical intuitive, I’ve seen a tremendous rise in auto-immune diseases. In fact, I have one myself. Like most of you, I’ve been taught that sugar is ok, pharmaceutical drugs heal and too many vitamins are bad. I’ve also been taught that Medical Doctors know everything and it’s good for our food to load it up with pesticides so it looks pretty. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, M.S. and every other conceivable ailment is the body’s way of saying, “I’m out of balance. Please help me.” How do we fix it? We give it more garbage, in the way of pharmaceuticals, to process and then wonder why we don’t get better.

The health care industry is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. In a capitalist society, there is no motivation for people to be well. There is every motivation to keep them just well enough so as to buy more cures, but not actually heal them and have the financial well run dry. In medical school, doctors are given two hours or less of education on nutrition, at least that’s what I’ve heard. The body requires nutrients in order to heal itself. Pills don’t heal and frankly, who are we to think that we understand the body better than the body does? Every time a new drug is made, a new problem is made to go with it. The body knows what to do and is driven to seek healing balance if we would just give it what it needs.

Fruits and vegetables contain micronutrients. Everything else we eat is a macronutrient. Micronutrients help the body to eliminate waste and balance the body’s natural chemistry with their high levels of anti-oxidants. Intense levels of micronutrients bring the body back to health. In liquid form is the easiest to absorb.

Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables can heal your body. I know that giving up the heavy fats and sugars is tough but it is doable, at least for a short time so you can reboot your immune system and clean up your chemistry.

I recommend three documentaries about nutrition and how it heals your body: “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead”, The Beautiful Truth, and Food Matters. All are available on Netflix.
I will be entering a juice fast this coming week to begin my healing. Here’s to your health.

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