Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Detached compassion: knowledge that others are suffering and a willingness to tolerate that suffering through any justification. Your thoughts might be, ‘that is too bad, but I need to worry about me and mine, or things need to change, someone should do that.’

Compassion fatigue: “I’m so tired of everyone wanting something from me. I can’t take care of everyone so I’ll take care of me. Please don’t ask me for anything.”

Compassion ideology: “I think the world needs more compassion. If everyone would just step up, the world would be a better place and I wouldn’t feel so burdened.”

Compassion embraced: “I see you. I see beauty that shines with the light of heaven. All the things that you think you’ve done wrong, are forgiven. All of them are forgiven. All the reasons for you living in suffering are vanquished. I claim the God that I am and grant you the right to claim the God that you are and suffer no more.”

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