Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A New Mythology for a New Era

Carl Jung saw a new religion, or new mythology, coming to life in the future. The old mythology involved a single creator God (he was a Protestant Christian) who came down to earth, worked hard for several days and then was never heard from again, except through his son. The new mythology that Jung saw is the same one many of us see today. The stars are aligning for the birth of a new era that brings with it a new God image, a new mythology.

On 11-11-11, astrologically speaking, Neptune, the carrier of illusion, entered 00 degree, 00 minutes and 00 seconds Pisces in the heliocentric wheel. In my opinion, the heliocentric wheel is what we should look at when speaking in terms of planet wide affects to our psyches, for reasons I won’t go into right now. Since Pisces is about sacrifice, hence the age we’ve just left with Yeshua sacrificed on the cross, we can see that our illusions will be sacrificed.

This alignment of Neptune in Pisces has been within orb, meaning we’ve been feeling the effects of it, since about 2000. If you think about it, you can see that since that time, our illusions have been slowly destroyed and they will continue to be for a good while. We are becoming aware of how a veil has been placed over our collective eyes by government (FDA, Federal Reserve, Congress and lobbyists and more), by corporations claiming to be helping us when in fact they’ve been setting us up to serve their acquisition of all funds (this just happened locally as big corporations claimed that allowing them to sell alcohol would increase funds for certain endeavors. This is false. What this new law did was force small businesses to close because they aren’t big enough to carry the alcohol anymore. There is a size restriction in place with this law. Before the state took all the profits and applied them to the tax base. Now, corporations take all the profits. People voted for this because they were led to believe that it would help us, and so they can buy large jugs of whiskey at Costco.), exposure of what’s been happening to our food supply, health care and most recently the economic system itself is being seen as a giant pyramid scheme that has trained us to serve it rather than it serving us.
The illusions will continue to fade into a new reality, a new mythology that increases conscious awareness, or more awareness of the unconscious. Many things of which we have been unaware due to illusion, will continue to be made aware and seen fully.

Beginning now, a new voice will begin to be heard; a voice that will rise above all others and show us where more illusions are hiding. The voice of the masses shouting ENOUGH will force change. The occupy movement is now in about 90 countries and will grow larger.

The new mythology, the new God image calls for all people to claim whom they really are, to claim the God within. This is how Jung saw it, this is how Yeshua saw it and this is how I see it. Suffering and sacrifice belongs to Pisces. Personal freedom, equality and service to humanity belongs to Aquarius. All the things you think you’ve done wrong are forgiven. All the reasons for suffering are vanquished. Claim your God within by agreeing to suffer no more.

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