Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Chaos sometimes appears in restless form while empty weighs in with a hefty dose of blah, accompanied by boredom. A lioness of energy roars for the hunt of dreams that won’t wait for a starving hunter. She growls low and furrows her brow with a quizzical suggestion of NOW. Now is the time to pounce, now is when something must happen, but she waits because she must. Agitatedly waits for the next meal of direction to fill the empty of tedium.

Out of the chaotic wilds a new kind of meal comes, but not yet. Lioness must linger and listen for her prey of dreams. Will she recognize it when it comes, or will it pass stealthily by unnoticed? She prances back and forth eager to capture her new essence.


  1. You have a way with words, that's for sure! Can't wait to see the book! And don't you think that the times have bred even more restlessness than usual? As though we knew something was coming and are becoming inpatient with the wait.

  2. I absolutely agree with you Serendipity. Well put. I think we are waiting. I know I'm waiting to see how I (we) will work with this new energy system. What can I do with it? I also think that part of the new energy system is a drive to serve and make a difference, to make things better for everyone (Aquarius) and the list of tasks to do that are both overwhelming and exciting at the same time. We are being pushed into further zeal for betterment by things like oil disgorgements and economic meltdowns. Thank you for your comments.

  3. "Out of the chaotic wilds a new kind of meal comes, but not yet." Wonderful words. I, too, wait for the new kind of meal. I know to sit in stillness but pace none the less.


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